READ UNAMG’s International Women’s Day Press Release Here.

This international women’s day, BTS is honouring the brave women in Guatemala who continue to speak out against injustices and human rights violations from the past and the present. Click above to hear a short message from Fidelia Caal to fellow women and allies in Canada, struggling for land, community and justice. Fidelia comes from the community of La Revolucion, near El Estor, and has been resisting a series of Canadian mining companies – INCO, Skye Resources and HudBay Minerals – for decades.

Today, BTS is also honouring the brave women who testified during the genocide trial against former dictator Rios Montt. With strength and dignity, they shared intimate details about horrific crimes committed against them, and today we honour their courage by repeating parts of the sentence that convicted Rios Montt of genocide and crimes against humanity on May 10, 2013. #sihubogenocidio.

Genocide Sentence




























