BTS Guatemala-Maritimes Solidarity Network expresses its most sincere sympathy on the passing of Aniseto Montiel. He worked tirelessly for change in Guatemala; his capacity to analyse, reflect and act for change was admirable but Don Cheto’s humanity made him a true revolutionary. We will dearly miss him, his warmth, his friendship and his dedication to making Guatemala a place where everyone can live in dignity. May his spirit move us all to work for justice and peace, without forgetting how important it is to take time to laugh and reflect. Thank you Don Cheto for being a humble teacher, courageous leader and dear friend. Heartfelt solidarity with the CCDA and the Montiel Ramirez family.

La red de solidaridad Rompiendo El Silencio expresa su más sentido pésame por el fallecimiento del Aniseto Montiel. Aniseto trabajó incansablemente para el cambio en Guatemala, y su capacidad para analizar, reflexionar y actuar para el cambio era admirable. La humanidad de Don Cheto lo hizo un verdadero revolucionario. Lo vamos a extranar, su calor, su amistad y su dedicación para hacer que Guatemala sea un lugar donde todos puedan vivir con dignidad. Que su espíritu nos mueve para seguir trabajanda por la justicia y la paz, sin olvidar lo importante que es tomarse un tiempo para reír y reflexionar. Gracias Don Cheto por ser un humilde maestro, líder valiente y querido amigo. Solidaridad sincera con el CCDA y la familia Montiel Ramirez.

Aniseto at the 2013 May Day March in Guatemala City. His convictions drove him to work for justice and dignity in Guatemala. "Yes, there was a genocide in Guatemala."

Aniseto at the 2013 May Day March in Guatemala City. His convictions drove him to work for justice and dignity in Guatemala. “Yes, there was a genocide in Guatemala.”