The annual gathering of the Atlantic Regional Solidarity Network will be happening from the 14-16th of November at Tatamagouche Centre in Tatamagouche, NS. The theme of this year’s gathering is:
Making Connections: Movement Building Across Nations and Borders
Some of the issues we will explore include:
- Canada’s foreign policy in the Americas
- The linking of indigenous issues and struggles in the Americas
- Learnings from social movements throughout the Americas,including an update on the People’s Social Forum held in Aug. 2014 in Ottawa
To get a registration form please contact Kathryn Anderson at kathrynande (at) Registrations are needed ASAP! Please don’t stay away because of lack of funds – partial and full bursaries are available!!
Resource People:
Jen Moore, Mining Watch Canada
Eliza Knockwood, Mi’kmaq Youth Bundle-Keeper
Gain inspiration and new understandings of solidarity from resource people who are building solidarity relationships across borders and nations, including the recent People’s Social Forum in Ottawa and the ongoing struggle against fracking in Elsipogtog, New Brunswick. Join us and our resource people:
Jen Moore, Mining Watch Canada, supports communities, organizations and networks facing mining challenges from Mexico, Guatemala and Honduras to Ecuador, Colombia and Chile. Jen was a social justice journalist in Ecuador and has written about the struggles of indigenous and non-indigenous communities affected by Canadian-financed mining companies. She gave leadership to the Mining Justice Assembly at the recent People’s Social Forum in Ottawa.
Eliza Star Child Knockwood, a Mi’kmaq woman from Abegweit First Nation, PEI, spent the summer of 2013 in Elsipogtog NB working with indigenous and non-indigenous people to resist fracking. She describes herself as a Youth Bundle-Keeper, passing on traditional and contemporary knowledge to this generation and ones yet to come
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