See our June E-Bulleting Here:

BTS Members at the 2015 Annual Gathering, together with Crisanta Perez. "Solidarity with San Miguel Ixtahuacan."

BTS Members at the 2015 Annual Gathering, together with Crisanta Perez. “Solidarity with San Miguel Ixtahuacan.”


Keep on Breaking the Silence…

26 Years of Building Relationships for Justice & Transformation

From June 12-14, BTS held its annual gathering at Tatamagouche Centre. With over 40 participants, we heard updates about the situation in Guatemala, including the ongoing protests to end impunity and corruption that have lead to tens of thousands of people taking to the streets. We also heard from our special guest speaker, Crisanta Perez, who has been an advocate for community rights and corporate accountability for the past ten years as mining giant Goldcorp Inc’s projects affect territory and life. We spent time with First Nations Elders and Community Leaders, Joe Micheal, Coordinator of the Peace and Friendship Project, Cathy Martin, Cathy Gerrior and Rose Little to talk about the impacts of truth and reconciliation and the responsibility we share to uphold treaties and right relationships. We also talked about the work of the Fun!raising Committee and the future of the network, possibly without interns and human rights accompaniers. It was an important time to reflect on our work of the past and imagine how we will continue. We need volunteers to help make BTS a strong and vibrant network in 2015 and beyond. If you are interested in being part of our communications and campaigning work, please be in touch!

Read more about Crisanta’s tour, including media pieces, here.

Read our June E-Bulletin Here.