Release the Political Prisoners! Freedom!
Saturday, July 23, 2016
Last night, the seven authorities, in their majority Maya Q’anjob’al men, who have been legitimately defending the earth and resistance hydro-electric and mining companies were all set free. Mynor, Domingo, don Tanyo, Arturo and don Chico Palas were all absolved – no evidence existed that they were part of anything more than a peaceful and legitimate resistance. The three judge panel didn’t agree on all of the charges related to Rigoberto and don Tanyo, and they were found guilty of coercion (Rigoberto) and obstructing justice (don Tanyo). However given time already spent in jail, they were ordered to be released immediately. Judge Barrios didn’t agree with her colleagues on this decision. “Where is don Tanyo?” she asked, as he moved forward in the small cell in the courtroom. “I do believe in your innocence,” she said. And then repeated it to Rigoberto as well.
There is much analysis and reflection to be done on this case and the many others that are all too similar throughout Guatemala and the world. But what was said last night in the courtroom didn’t “prove” anything that we didn’t already know. Rigoberto and Domingo don’t need a judge in Guatemala City to legitimize their struggle. The People, the Assembly, do that. And we are all part of constructing a living and breathing resistance, but also a world of creation and creativity, love, community and spirit.
This morning I am celebrating life and those who defend her. Thanking Toj 13 for for guidance, assurance and wisdom. Thinking of don Francisco Salomon Bamaca in San Miguel Ixtahuacan who was found guilty of assault after Montana Exploradora (Goldcorp Inc) lead a month long trial in 2007. The company maliciously used laws and racism to set a deadly precedent for violent repression of legitimate resistance. Don Francisco, and the other 6 men who were criminalized always maintained their innocence. Thank you for your struggle – you have been revindicated though this sentence. Thinking of Crisanta Perez, Crisanta Hernandez and the other six women from San Miguel Ixtahuacan who were criminalized for years for their legitimate and honorable struggle to defend Mother Earth, the sacred plants that are the medicines, the water that gives us all life. You were blacklisted, beaten, abused and yet you have never ever given up your struggle. Your love for life is so big. We are all indebted. Thinking of the dozens of people who have been criminalized near Tahoe’s mine in Santa Rosa and Jalapa who were stunned to find out they had charges against them for peacefully protesting to protect the rivers and earth. Your struggle is all of our responsibility. Thank you for your courage and persistence.
It was clear in the hearing: when a transnational extractive company comes to town, they co-opt local leaders, they disregard ancestral customs and traditions, they disregard the Assembly and their decisions and they aggressively criminalize the legitimate and dignified resistance to defend the earth in order to make a profit. This isn’t development for anyone. Thanking the wisdom of Judge Barrios for doing something to stop this deadly and destructive mechanism and for calling out the companies and the public prosecutor’s office who practice criminalization in the name of economic “development”. This win and this struggle is for life, water and territory. It’s for Maya Q’anjob’al ancestral authority Daniel Pedro who was tortured and killed three years ago in Santa Eulalia, 16 year old Topacio Reynoso from Colis who was murdered two years ago, teacher and indigenous Q’eqchi authority Adolfo Ich murdered in 2009, indigenous Lenca authority Berta Caceres murdered in March and all of the 1000s of men and women who are killed and criminalized for opposing an economic model that is based on destruction of life. This is for Rio Negro. Thinking of Annie Clair who was also criminalized, and all of the Mi’kmaq land defenders who put the struggle for justice and Mother Earth before their own. I am proud to be a guest in your territory and promise to also defend her. Helen Knott and the Peaceful resistance to Site C, this sentence is also for you, your resistance is valid and needed. Please don’t give up. My heart is full. Thank you don Tano, don Tello, don Chico Palas, Mynor, Rigoberto, Domingo and Arturo. Despite the great sacrifice you have made, truth was heard for the world to hear.
In Peace and Friendship, Jackie
(ps. See our instagram for pictures and videos from the past three weeks of the hearing here).
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