By Anissa Aldridge

“How do I feed a family with 10 quetzales?” I asked a woman selling rice, beans and produce at the market in San Lucas Toliman.

A smile lit up her face and with a twinkle in her eye she stood there with two of her small children as if wondering whether I truly wanted an answer.

I”m sure that is a question that she and many many others here asks herself every day and then it was my turn to wonder if she even had an answer herself.

I asked myself a similar question a few hours later when Doña Yamina welcomed us into her home; a single mother of 6, she took time out of her busy day to show us how to weave. Her scarves were colorful and bright works of art ; an accurate reflection of her children and herself: beautiful, strong and unique.

In San Lucas Toliman, BTS delegates took part in a market exercise, where they were asked to feed their family on 10 quetzales.