Throughout the Maritimes, BTS members and supporters express their solidarity with long-time BTS partner, the Campesino Committee of the Highlands (CCDA). In May, three members of the CCDA were killed- José Can Xol, Mateo Chamán Paau and Rámon Choc Sacrab were all active members in their communities and involved in the struggle for the defense of land and territory against landowners. Repeated requests by the CCDA  for the Guatemalan government to resolve land disputes have gone unanswered for years. To date, no one has been arrested on any of these assassinations.

Tatamagouche. BTS Annual Gathering. June 15, 2018:

CCDA - Tatamagouche












Antigonish. June 18, 2018.













Halifax. June 19, 2018

CCDA - Halifax












Moncton. June 20, 2018

CCDA - Moncton












Charlottetown. ACIC Symposium. June 23, 2018.

CCDA - Charlottetown