
Join BTS for our 2019 delegation to Guatemala from November 9 to 21, 2019. This year’s thematic delegation will focus on our partners’ struggles for the access and protection of land and territory. This delegation will be particularly timely as it follows the June elections in Guatemala, with officials taking power in January 2020.

Cost of participation is $2460, which includes airfare, in-country costs, and costs of the mandatory orientation and debrief.
Some bursaries are available.

Mandatory orientation weekend August 24- 25 and debrief December 7.

Register here:

Please note, there is a $100 registration fee which is put toward the total cost.

Have any questions? Email:

BTS encourages people from diverse race, gender, ethnic group, age, personality, cognitive style, abilities, education and backgrounds to apply.

BTS delegations are a meaningful way to connect struggles for justice and social transformation in Canada and Guatemala. Join us!

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