Dear BTS Friends,
Right now, your commitment to justice, hope, and solidarity on a local and global scale is more important than ever.

The Maritimes-Guatemala Breaking the Silence Network has supported the efforts of Guatemalans struggling for political, social and economic justice since 1988. We are bound by a long-term relationship based on solidarity, mutuality and the shared understanding that we all deserve to be treated as equals. Over the years we have shared many struggles with our Guatemalan partners and have learned many powerful lessons from them.
Since Guatemala confirmed its first case of COVID-19 on March 13th, the pandemic has magnified the reality our partners face every day: acute food insecurity leaves 65% of the population malnourished; lack of access to land and forced evictions by large landowners persists; and front-line land defender experience criminalization and violence. A weak healthcare system and underfunded social security net combined with 70% of the country’s population depending on daily labour and informal work for income means that COVID-19 will have devastating consequences.
Despite these mounting challenges, our partners courageously continue to carry out their essential work in defense of justice and human rights. In this context, we feel that It is our responsibility to support them, as they have supported us in the defense of the rivers, lands and mountains that nourish us.
Breaking the Silence is launching an Emergency Solidarity Fund to support our partners in covering basic necessities so that they may continue to do their work and support their communities. The fund will help cover basic necessities such as food, medicines and protective equipment as well as increased operational costs such as telecommunications and transportation.
Our goal is to raise as much as we can to support our partners by May 1st, 2020.
By acting in solidarity with our partners, you are contributing to a living story of justice and transformative change that is more vital now than ever as we collectively face this global pandemic.
If you are able to contribute to the Emergency Solidarity Fund, you can:
1. Donate online here.
- Be sure to write “BTS Emergency Solidarity Fund” in the comment box.
2. Mail a cheque to Tatamagouche Centre
- Address: 259 Loop Route 6, Tatamagouche NS, B0K 1V0.
- The cheque must be made out to “Tatamagouche Centre” with “BTS Emergency Fund” in the memo line.
Solidarity is always important. Now, it is essential.
In turbulent times when the instinct to retreat inwards is strong, we thank you for the courage to look outwards and for your continued support of the Maritimes-Guatemala Breaking the Silence Network and our partners in Guatemala.
Yours in solidarity, BTS
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