(Photo from BTS partner IMAP, Meso-American Permaculture Institute)
The last year has been challenging in many ways. Some things in life can be changed and made better, while others remain out of our control. We can however have an impact on the human right struggles in Guatemala and Canada.
We say this often, but it’s still true: Your help is more needed than ever! We are very appreciative of the support for the Staffing Fund from our organisational donors – Just Us! Fair Trade Coffee, United Church of Canada, PSAC (Public Service Alliance of Canada), CUPE Canadian Union of Public Employees), Sisters of Saint Martha (Antigonish), Congregation of Notre Dame. However, in order to reach our 2021 Staffing Fund goal, we need $25,000 in individual donations, through one-time donations and monthly pledges.
Did you know that our 2020 Staffing Fund Campaign raised $18,000? Thank you to everyone for your support! We increased our goal this year because of increased costs related to COVID-19, as our Guatemalan staff follow strict health protocols, including regular COVID-19 tests, using private instead of public transport (e.g. taxis, car rentals.) Food costs have also risen tremendously in Guatemala, necessitating an increase in per diems.
For those who are able, we ask that you consider starting or increasing your monthly pledge. Details on how to give a one-time donation or monthly pledge are found below.
(Photos: New Hope Foundation; Xinka Parliament; Paintings by Sharon Wheaton)
BTS staff have made it possible for us to continue our long-term relationships of solidarity with our Guatemala partners throughout the pandemic. Our partners face tremendous odds, with little access to COVID-19 vaccinations or health care; the greatest human rights repression of the past two decades, especially towards human rights and mining justice organizations, as well as towards journalists and women environmental defenders, and; ongoing government corruption. Yet they carry on with extraordinary resilience and commitment to the well-being of their members and communities and are an inspiration to us all.
Our partners have let BTS know how much it means to them to have our continued solidarity, including regular Zoom calls, Urgent Actions, advocacy with MPs and Global Affairs Canada, and ongoing public education here in the Maritimes. Needless to say, we want that to continue!
With your generous donation, our Maritime-Guatemalan network can continue to support the efforts of Guatemalans who struggle for political, social, and economic justice. Your donation will help us undertake essential activities related to advocacy and lobbying as well organize delegations, send interns, volunteers, and human rights accompaniers. Look out for our exciting Webinar series, soon to be announced, including a virtual tour with our Guatemala partners in late January, 2022.
We cannot do all of this without your help.
In solidarity,
The BTS Fun!raising Committee: Kathryn Anderson, Marie Claire Brisbois, Janelle Frail, Marla LeBlanc, Moira Peters, Tessa Wheaton
Donations must be dated no later than December 31st in order to receive a charitable tax receipt for 2021
Tatamagouche Centre will issue a charitable tax receipt for all donations over $20.
One-time Donations
- Preferred Option: Donations can be made HERE. Choose “Donate Once” option at the top of the form, then Option 4: “Breaking the Silence Maritimes-Guatemala Solidarity Network”.
- E-transfers can also be used for one-time donations. Please send E-transfers to info@tatacentre.ca, indicating that it is for the BTS Staffing Fund, and with with “Breaking the” as the question, and “Silence” as the answer.
- If you do not feel comfortable donating online or mailing the donation form, please call 1-800-218-2220 with your credit card information stating that you are pledging to the BTS Staffing Fund.
- You may also send a cheque made out to Tatamagouche Centre, 259 Loop Route 6, Tatamagouche, NS. B0K 1V0, with “Breaking the Silence Staffing Fund” on the memo line.
Monthly Pledge Option
Monthly gifts are processed on or about the 20th of each month
- Preferred Option: Become a PAR (Pre-Arranged Remittance) donor. Your monthly gift will be taken from your bank account. Mail a voided cheque to Tatamagouche Centre, 259 Loop Route 6, Tatamagouche, NS B0K 1V0 with a note indicating that you wish to give to the Breaking the Silence Staffing Fund.
- You can also give by Credit Card at: https://www.tatamagouchecentre.ca/donate. Choose “Monthly Donation” at the top of the form, then Choose Option 4, “Breaking the Silence Fund”
- To increase your monthly pledge, send an Email to info@tatacentre.ca with the amount that you now wish to give.
Did you know that monthly donations from your bank account cost BTS less in bank fees? If you provide a void cheque or banking details we can set up your donation as a monthly withdrawal.
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