(Photo taken during recent manifestations in the capital. Sign reads: No danger, killer state. Gendri Reyes: leave your position now. Alejandro Giammattei: Stop lying. Consuelo Porras: stop surveilling!)

(Photo taken during manifestations in the capital. The sign reads: No danger, killer state. Gendri Reyes: leave your position now. Alejandro Giammattei: Stop lying. Consuelo Porras: stop surveilling!)

Written by María Reyes

On Thursday, January 13th, 2022, the plenary of the Congress of the Republic approved Agreement 1-2022, by means of which the postulation commission was summoned to be integrated. Fourteen of the fifteen commissioners were sworn in by the Congress on Tuesday, January 18, and from then on, the possibility of beginning the sessions was left open.

On January 31st, 2022, the Nominating Commission was installed to select the candidates for the position of Attorney General and Head of the Public Prosecutor’s Office for 2022-2026. There were 26 candidates who presented themselves to participate, among them, the current Attorney General, María Consuelo Porras.

Throughout the process of electing the person to head the Public Prosecutor’s Office of Guatemala, great care was given to ensure a transparent process to preserve the rule of law and the fight against corruption. However, international and national authorities were concerned about some circumstances that could affect the conditions of transparency and impartiality of the process to achieve the appointment of a suitable and independent person.

In order to elect the head of the Public Prosecutor’s Office (MP) 2022-2026, the Nominating Commission reviewed files and evaluated each candidate then began the rounds of voting to create a smaller list of the 6 candidates for attorney general and head of the Public Prosecutor’s Office (MP). However, after a long voting process, the commission was unable to reach an agreement to select the sixth candidate. After a “legal” maneuver, the Constitutional Court ordered to add María Consuelo Porras to the list of candidates.

It is important to remember that Porras is responsible for dismissing prosecutor Juan Francisco Sandoval, taking control of the Special Prosecutor’s Office Against Impunity (FECI), delaying major corruption cases, and is designated by the U.S. government as an ​​Undemocratic and Corrupt Actor by being named to the Engel List.

(Photo: Magistrate of the Constitutional Court Rony Eulalio López and Supreme Court Judge President Silvia Patricia Valdés embrace with Attorney General María Consuelo Porras. Photo: La Hora/José Orozco)

Amid rejection and accusations of obstruction of justice against Consuelo Porras, President Alejandro Giamattei renewed her mandate as attorney general and head of the Public Prosecutor’s Office for 2022 until 2026. After the appointment of Porras as attorney general, several actors spoke out and rejected the reelection of Consuelo Porras.

The European Union (EU) also spoke out against her relection, noting that President Giammattei’s re-election of Porras raises concerns about Guatemala’s commitment to address corruption and safeguard the independence of the judiciary.