Wilf (second from right) and BTS members and supporters on the 2016 Boat Cruise

Dear BTS community,

We write to you with full but heavy hearts as we share the news that on June 15th Wilf Bean, longtime BTS member and life partner of BTS founder Kathryn Anderson, passed on. He has been a major part of the ongoing life of BTS, its profound and long-term solidarity relationships and its heartfelt struggle for justice. We celebrate  how special he was to us: his brilliant, kind and loving heart; his keen insights about justice, community and cooperation; his commitment, ebullience and humour; and his nurturing soul. Along with Kathryn, he was a warm host to countless interns and staff members over the years. Not to mention his priceless musical contributions to every BTS gathering and his deeply inquisitive reflections that spurred collective learning and growth. He is and will always be loved as a fellow BTS member.

Wilf’s obituary reads in part:

Wilf Bean passed away peacefully on June 15th 2022 at age 76. He was a beloved life-partner, brother, uncle and great-uncle, friend of many across Canada and around the world, adult educator, justice-seeker, music-maker and community-builder. He thought of his life as a story with five chapters, with the call to build community as a constant. The first chapter was growing up on a farm near New Hamburg, Ontario. He often reflected on the privilege of growing up on the land and the emotional impact of the sudden death of his younger brother when Wilf was 12. Next was a decade working with communities in the Canadian North, a life-transforming experience, especially through working with the Indian Brotherhood of the Northwest Territories during the Berger Commission. The third chapter included a return to Southern Canada, doctoral studies and contract work in the North with the “Indigenous Languages Commission.” The fourth stage was working with the Coady International Institute where he deeply valued learning from and sharing with community development workers around the globe. At that time, he married Kathryn Anderson, his soul-mate and loving companion for the past 30 years. The fifth chapter was program work with Tatamagouche Centre, retirement, and learning through the cancer journey.  […] All are most welcome to a Celebration of Wilf’s life  on Sunday, Aug. 14th, 2pm at Tatamagouche Centre.

Memorial donations to BTS may be made through Canada Helps online: Choose Option 4 on the drop-down menu: Breaking the Silence- Maritimes-Guatemala Solidarity Network (more information here)

Please join us in remembering Wilf, and extending our support to his partner Kathryn.

~BTS Community Council members Beth Abbott, Leo Cheverie, Janette Fecteau, Janelle Frail, Becca MacDonald, Ann Manicom, Blake McDonald, Yvette Michaud, Lisa Rankin, Laura Robinson, Caren Weisbart

Wilf, presente!