About admin

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So far admin has created 812 blog entries.

Popular education, social history: among the keys to defending Maya land

Third in a series by Jim HodgsonRead the second post here Many supporters of Maritimes-Guatemala Breaking The Silence Network (BTS) and other solidarity groups across Canada know Leocadio Juracán and the organization he has been part of since 1989: the Comité Campesino del Altiplano – CCDA (Highlands Committee of Small [...]

2022-07-02T14:50:08-04:00June 29th, 2022|Defense of Territory, Delegation, Report Backs|

Remembering Wilf Bean

Wilf (second from right) and BTS members and supporters on the 2016 Boat Cruise Dear BTS community, We write to you with full but heavy hearts as we share the news that on June 15th Wilf Bean, longtime BTS member and life partner of BTS founder Kathryn Anderson, passed on. [...]

2022-06-20T08:17:53-04:00June 20th, 2022|General blog|

Seventy years after land reform promise, Indigenous Guatemalans struggle for land rights

President Arbenz achieves: ‘Farmer, here is your land. Defend it, care for it, cultivate it.’” (C.P.R. Urbana from LIFE magazine). President Jacobo Arbenz (Cubadebate). Bitter Fruit tells the story of the 1954 coup. Tanks in front of the National Palace after the coup (TeleSUR). Seventy years after land reform promise, [...]

2022-06-17T11:18:15-04:00June 17th, 2022|Defense of Territory, Human security|

Se Otorga el 7to Premio Topacio Reynoso Pacheco A…

  Estamos muy emocionadxs de anunciar a quienes se les otorga el 7to Premio Topacio Reynoso Pacheco! Desde 2016, este premio ha reconocido y apoyado los esfuerzos de grupos juveniles en Guatemala utilizando el arte para defender su territorio y protejer el ambiente. Este premio fue creado en memoria [...]

2022-06-13T14:54:06-04:00June 13th, 2022|Espanol|
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