BTS Solidarity Legacy Fund: add BTS to your will

As members of the Maritimes-Guatemala Breaking the Silence Network, we know that lasting social change comes from long-term relationships and commitment to our friends and partners in Guatemala and our allies here in Canada. We understand that creating social justice means thinking far into the future. Your legacy gift honours that intention.

A bequest to BTS enables our network to continue the work that is important to you and to which you have already contributed so much by responding to urgent actions, organizing events with our partners, sharing your time and expertise on committees, and selling BTS coffee. We have all been deeply impacted by BTS, by the gifts of friendship, solidarity, and global connection that this network creates. The BTS Solidarity Legacy Fund is a way to sustain that connection.

From human rights accompaniment and on-the-ground presence with BTS partners, to initiating a new Cooperant Program, BTS stands in solidarity with genocide survivors and communities impacted by Canadian mining companies.

Why a will?

  • Your will empowers you.
  • It gives you the authority to decide what happens to your property after you die. Otherwise, the province or territory decides under its Intestate Succession Act, which does not provide for charitable contributions.
  • Most people underestimate the value of their estates.
  • Most people over estimate the time it takes to make a will
  • Your will can be changed at any time.

Why a bequest to BTS?

  • Your current support has already made a huge difference to the work of BTS, and a bequest to BTS in your will ensures that support will continue long into the future.
  • A tax receipt from the Tatamagouche Centre (which administers BTS’s finances) can reduce taxes on your estate.

Why am I leaving a legacy gift to BTS? Simple! I want to use whatever influence I can to make the world better for all beings. I’ve been particularly impacted by the people of Guatemala and know of no better group to use my gift conscientiously and courageously than BTS! I find comfort in knowing my legacy can keep supporting social justice solidarity after I’m gone. – Wilf Bean

This information is not to be construed as legal advice. BTS recommends consulting with your lawyer, who will help you put your wishes into writing.

A bequest is a gift to a charity through a will, including but not limited to:

  • Providing the whole residue of the estate to charity;
  • Providing specific amounts to various parties and residue to charity;
  • Providing a part of the residue to charity and the remainder of the residue to others;
  • Providing an amount to charities subject to conditions or restrictions; or
  • Providing a gift to a trust (including for children or spouse) with the transfer upon a certain event to a charity.

Sample wording:
“I give to the Maritimes-Guatemala Breaking the Silence Network (BTS), a program of the Tatamagouche Centre, the sum of $10,000 to be used for the general purposes of BTS at the discretion of the BTS Community Council.”

After my husband and I discussed the importance of aligning our values of today with those that will live on after our deaths, we have decided to include a legacy contribution to BTS in our will. This planned giving will allow us to remain part of BTS and that just feels perfect to us. Marla LeBlanc

If you are considering leaving a gift to BTS in your will, we would be happy to assist you in your next steps.

With any questions, please reach out to:
Tessa Wheaton, BTS Fundraising Committee
(506) 227-9480

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