Ask Your Candidates

In 2014, Breaking the Silence joined the Corporate Network on Corporate Accountability - CNCA. "The Canadian Network on Corporate Accountability (CNCA) brings together environmental and human rights NGOs, faith groups, labour unions, and research and solidarity groups across Canada who are advocating for federal legislation to establish mandatory corporate accountability [...]

2015-07-09T14:21:34-04:00July 9th, 2015|General blog, Resources|

Global Atlas of environmental conflicts launched in Brussels

The Environmental Justice Organisations, Liabilities and Trade (EJOLT) project launches today its Global Atlas of Environmental Justice, a visually attractive and interactive online mapping platform detailing around 1000 environmental conflicts (and growing). It allows users to search and filter across 100 fields and to browse by commodity, company, country and [...]

2014-03-24T23:00:47-04:00March 24th, 2014|General blog, Resources|

ARSN Updates: Articles and Sign On Letters January 2014

Atlantic Region Solidarity Network ARSN updates for January 2014 – sign on letters and articles of interest Canada: Guile, Ambiguity and the Cult of Mediocrity (McLeod Group): Canadian Council for International Cooperation: Act Now: Protect vital, life-saving aid programs Petition: Commercial motives driving Canada’s foreign aid, documents reveal [...]

2021-06-02T11:35:56-04:00February 7th, 2014|General blog, Resources, Urgent Actions|

Whose Nature? Whose Rights? Criminalization of Social Protest in a Globalizing World

Social Science Research Network Gustavo Rojas-Páez Universidad Libre, Bogotá January 28, 2014 Oñati Socio-Legal Series, Vol. 4, No. 1, 2014 Whose Nature? Whose Rights? Criminalization of Social Protest in a Globalizing World Abstract: English Abstract: This introductory essay provides a reflection on the historical configuration of law and its [...]

2014-01-31T20:17:55-04:00January 31st, 2014|Espanol, General blog, Resources|

“Gold Fever” Canada Premiere, July 6, Vancouver

Northland Films announces Canada Premiere of “Gold Fever” Vancouver, July 6th Contact: Andrew Sherburne, Producer, Northland Films, 319-331-0791,, GOLD FEVER shines spotlight on Vancouver-based Goldcorp Inc’s “Marlin Mine” in Guatemala VANCOUVER, BC — Gold Fever, the sobering documentary about Goldcorp’s massive gold mine in Guatemala’s San Marcos [...]

2013-06-24T13:40:18-04:00June 24th, 2013|General blog, Resources|

Minefield: gold mining and the transformation of the Honduran country side

This video is part of Los Despojados, a series on peasant struggles in Central America and Colombia. For more information on the Los Despojados project and to see the other videos, visit You can also follow us on Facebook ( and on Tumblr ( Synopsis: Over the past decade, open-pit [...]

2013-04-25T18:50:50-04:00April 25th, 2013|General blog, Resources|

Seeds Are Life by Jackie McVicar

This article was published in the Halifax Media Co-op.   “Working the land is the natural way of living,” proudly notes Gregorio Ajcot. An indigenous Maya Kaqchikel man from San Lucas Toliman, a town of 15,000 people nestled amongst volcanoes near Guatemala’s Lake Atitlan, Ajcot will be in the [...]

2013-03-10T23:58:35-04:00March 10th, 2013|Current Events in Guate, General blog, Resources|

Transforming Pain Into Hope: Human Rights Defenders in the Americas

By Amnesty International Human rights defenders play a fundamental role in helping to create a world where the promise of human rights becomes a reality for all. Drawing on decades of work with defenders in the Americas region – Central, North and South America and the Caribbean – this [...]

2013-02-05T22:47:48-04:00February 5th, 2013|General blog, Resources|
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