BTS FALL SPEAKING TOUR: We will not be silenced! The CCDA’s struggle for land justice in Guatemala

Join us for our fall speaking tour with Marcelo Sabuc Xalcut, National Coordinator of our long-time partner organization, the Highlands Committee of Small-Farmers (CCDA) in Guatemala. He'll speak throughout the Maritimes from November 4-11th, 2018! Marcelo is Maya-Kaqchikel from San Lucas Toliman, Sololá and has worked for the CCDA since 2000. [...]

2020-03-13T16:29:26-04:00October 9th, 2018|Speaking Tour, Upcoming Events|

In her own voice: Speaking Tour with Sandra Moran in the Maritimes

Sandra Morán is the first feminist and openly gay Member of Congress to be elected in Guatemala. She is a member of the Convergence CPO-CRD Party which brings together feminists, students, farmers and Indigenous peoples. She is also a highly accomplished drummer. She is returning to the Maritimes thirty years after her first [...]

2021-06-07T15:29:57-04:00May 31st, 2018|General blog, Speaking Tour, Upcoming Events|

2016 BTS Annual Gathering

Registration Form Here Join us June 24-26 at Tatamagouche Centre for our annual gathering and meeting. This year, we are happy to announce that Franklin Valenzuela from Jodvid will join us. He will also take part in a Maritimes tour before the gathering. Sunday, June 19 at Conserver House in [...]

2021-06-02T11:38:08-04:00April 22nd, 2016|General blog, Speaking Tour|

Fall Speaking Tours: Aniseto Lopez and Francisco Ramirez on Canadian mining in Guatemala & Colombia

Speaking Truth to Injustice: Canadian mining in Guatemala and Colombia with human rights activists Aniseto Lopez and Francisco Ramirez. Sponsored by Atlantic Region Solidarity Network, Maritimes-Guatemala Breaking the Silence Solidarity Network and local sponsors! Aniseto Lopez, far left, and Francisco Ramirez, far right speak about the human rights abuses [...]

2021-04-12T09:46:26-04:00November 16th, 2015|General blog, Speaking Tour|

Crisanta Perez Tour Follow Up

Crisanta on the ferry from PEI to NS. In Charlottetown, Crisanta spoke along with Darcie Lanthier, of the PEI Coalition for clean water. Many thanks to everyone who helped make Crisanta Perez's tour in Canada a meaningful experience. Crisanta is an indigenous Maya Mam woman who has been [...]

2021-04-14T09:37:23-04:00June 29th, 2015|General blog, Speaking Tour|
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