Defense of Territory
We support the rights of Indigenous people in regards to access to land and determination over their territories including Free, Prior, and Informed Consent. Our efforts focus on supporting communities defending their territories, natural resources and livelihoods in the face of mining and other extractivist industries. We echo our Guatemalan partners who see the defense of ancestral and Indigenous language, culture, historic memory, as well as individual and collective bodies as an important continuation of the defense of territory.
Some subthemes in this area include support of communities impacted by Canadian mining companies and other extractive industries; food sovereignty; land access; and support for criminalized land defenders.
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Cooperant Update: Protected Areas in Guatemala: A Conservation Project that Only Conserves Elite Economic Interests
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Solidarity with the CCDA in the Face of a New Wave of Repression Against the Campesino Movement
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Cooperant Update: Women and the agrarian resistance in Guatemala
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With the threat of more evictions looming, the CCDA speaks out
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Cooperant Update: Ten months after forced eviction, the Nueva Jerusalén Wiscoyol community is still landless
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