Behind the Lies About Venezuela’s Protests

Behind the Lies About Venezuela’s Protests by GARRY LEECH US Secretary of State John Kerry recently called on the Venezuelan government to end the “terror campaign against its own citizens.” Kerry’s words are just the latest in US and mainstream media efforts to portray the month-long protests in Venezuela as [...]

2014-03-25T20:27:56-04:00March 25th, 2014|General blog|

APG Open Letter: Canada Must Call for Dialogue Amid Unrest in Venezuela

The Honourable John Baird Minister of Foreign Affairs Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development House of Commons Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0A March 17, 2014 Dear Minister Baird, The Americas' Policy Group (APG), composed of faith-based groups, development NGO's, trade unions, and solidarity organizations, is a working group of the [...]

2021-06-02T11:19:42-04:00March 25th, 2014|General blog, Signed Letters|

Guatemala: Canada must break its silence

Originally posted in Embassy Magazine: Barbara Wood, Rachel Warden, Stacey Gomez on behalf of the America's Policy Group Wikimedia Photo: Surizar   We urge the Canadian government to take a stance on the ongoing case against José Efraín Rios Montt, the former military head of state of [...]

2021-04-12T14:06:15-04:00January 10th, 2014|General blog|
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