Solidarity with the CCDA in the Face of a New Wave of Repression Against the Campesino Movement

Indigenous and campesino communities across Guatemala continue to face the threat of violent evictions, criminalization, and attacks. In just the past few weeks, the CCDA has documented a worrying series of human rights violations affecting its leaders and members. BTS expresses its solidarity with the CCDA as they continue to [...]

2024-09-03T17:38:40-04:00September 3rd, 2024|Defense of Territory|

Cooperant Update: Women and the agrarian resistance in Guatemala

Women and the agrarian resistance in Guatemala By: Mélisande Séguin, Campesino Committee of the Highlands (CCDA) Cooperant CCDA women activists, planning and organizing. Land dispossession as a historical root of the latest wave of evictions Guatemala has one of the most unequal land distribution and titling systems in [...]

Cooperant Update: Ten months after forced eviction, the Nueva Jerusalén Wiscoyol community is still landless

Ten months after forced eviction, the Nueva Jerusalén Wiscoyol community is still landless By Mélisande Séguin, CCDA Cooperant On August 9, 2023, police and private security forces attacked the Xinka community of Nueva Jerusalén Wiscoyol and ruthlessly burnt people’s homes and possessions under the supervision of state authorities. Ten months [...]

Cooperant Update: Criminalization Continues to Threaten the Agrarian Movement

Criminalization Continues to Threaten the Agrarian Movement The CCDA speaks out against the criminalization of General Coordinator Neydi Juracán and the campesino movement. Photo credit: CCDA By Mélisande Séguin, CCDA Cooperant Criminalization is the malicious use of the criminal justice system to paralyze and repress movements for social [...]

Interview with CCDA’s Marcelo Sabuc on Ongoing Protests in Guatemala

Julian Marcelo Sabuc Xalcut (CCDA) gives an interview about protests in front of the Public Prosecutor's Office. [Find the original video of the interview below] BTS: Good afternoon, could you tell me your name and the organization you represent? Marcelo (CCDA): Good afternoon, I’m Julian Marcelo Sabuc Xalcut, [...]

Criminalization Threatens Struggles for Justice in Guatemala

Over the past decade in Guatemala, criminalization has increasingly served as a strategy to stifle public participation in civic life. In most cases, Guatemalan authorities have collaborated with both business and military interests to criminalize those who seek justice and fight against impunity. Unending criminalization of Indigenous land defenders Early [...]

2024-10-31T11:25:14-04:00September 25th, 2023|Current Events in Guate|

Violent Eviction of Xinka Community, Nueva Jerusalen

Nueva Jerusalen homes burned in violent eviction, photo credit: CCDA On the International Day of the World's Indigenous Peoples - Wednesday, August 9th - police and private security forces attacked the Xinka community of Nueva Jerusalen and ruthlessly burnt people's homes and possessions. Located in Escuintla, the sugar-cane [...]

Cooperant Update: As Seasons Change, the CCDA Builds Soil, Power, and Land Defense Cases

Members of the CCDA and BTS travel to Macho Creek to learn community members' ties to the land. Photo credit: Raphael Freston By: Raphael Freston, a cooperant with the Campesino Committee of the Highlands (CCDA) Shifting Seasons Come April, fireflies flit through San Lucas Tolimán at dawn. Community [...]

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