Crisanta Perez Tour Follow Up

Crisanta on the ferry from PEI to NS. In Charlottetown, Crisanta spoke along with Darcie Lanthier, of the PEI Coalition for clean water. Many thanks to everyone who helped make Crisanta Perez's tour in Canada a meaningful experience. Crisanta is an indigenous Maya Mam woman who has been [...]

2021-04-14T09:37:23-04:00June 29th, 2015|General blog, Speaking Tour|

Leocadio Juracan June Tour

Watch this great documentary about the work of the CCDA! Read Leocadio Juracan's Bio Here. Leocadio is the National Coordinator of the Highland's Committee of Small Farmers, in Guatemala. June 8 - 15 in British Columbia (see full schedule here):  Organized by Cafe Justicia/BC CASA and friends. Wednesday, June 10: [...]

2021-04-12T11:12:21-04:00June 6th, 2014|General blog|
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