Bluenose Marathon 2021: Thank you!

Bluenose Marathon 2021: Thank you! (Marla LeBlanc, Yvette Michaud, Kathryn Anderson, Janette Fecteau, Anne MacDonald Martin, Yves LeBlanc, Troy Deware, Melanie Deware, and Paul Martin in Halifax) (Eliza MacLauchlan, Myrna Wicks, Jim Wicks, Rosalind Waters, Leo Cheverie, Ryan MacRae, Claire Byrne. Photo credits: Lou Richard) [...]

2021-12-10T12:35:42-04:00December 10th, 2021|General blog|

2021 Fall Staffing Fund Campaign

(Photo from BTS partner IMAP, Meso-American Permaculture Institute) The last year has been challenging in many ways. Some things in life can be changed and made better, while others remain out of our control. We can however have an impact on the human right struggles in [...]

2021-11-17T17:15:24-04:00October 29th, 2021|Uncategorized|

2020 Fall Staffing Fund Campaign

2020 has been an extremely challenging year in Guatemala. The Covid-19 pandemic has created desperate conditions. All of our BTS partners are now engaged in vital work providing basic supports and necessities, in addition to ongoing work building livelihoods and fighting for justice. Through this, we [...]

2021-06-14T16:35:41-04:00December 1st, 2020|General blog|

COVID-19 Solidarity Fund for Guatemalan Partners

  Five months after our initial response actions, our partners and staff in Guatemala confirm that the situation throughout the country continues to drastically deteriorate, despite the Guatemalan government’s assurance otherwise.  It is evident that Guatemala along with the majority of Latin American countries are entering a long haul, with [...]

2021-05-09T19:25:41-04:00September 10th, 2020|General blog, Urgent Actions|

2015: CHANGE FOR ALL BTS Staffing Fund Campaign

As a friend of Breaking the Silence, we write you once again asking for your contribution to BTS in 2015. This is a difficult political climate for everyone fighting for social justice. However, with your help, we can continue our long-term work, grounded in hope and authentic relationships with our [...]

2021-04-12T17:06:48-04:00October 28th, 2015|General blog|

2013 BTS Report

Click here to read our 2013 Report. Please take some time to read through our 2013 Report - we have had a very busy network in 2013! Read updates from coordinators (if you are interested in reading the full coordinators reports on activities, please let me know), local committees, accompaniment, [...]

2021-04-12T17:17:23-04:00January 28th, 2014|General blog, Year in Review|
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