Cooperant Update: Criminalization Continues to Threaten the Agrarian Movement

Criminalization Continues to Threaten the Agrarian Movement The CCDA speaks out against the criminalization of General Coordinator Neydi Juracán and the campesino movement. Photo credit: CCDA By Mélisande Séguin, CCDA Cooperant Criminalization is the malicious use of the criminal justice system to paralyze and repress movements for social [...]

Xinka Parliament Recognized with Prestigious Human Rights Award

The Xinka Parliament accepts the Robert F. Kennedy Foundation's Human Rights Award, photo credit: Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights Foundation On June 6, the Xinka Parliament was awarded the Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights Foundation's annual Human Rights Award. The award honors human rights defenders who face oppression [...]

2023-06-28T17:19:23-04:00June 28th, 2023|Defense of Territory, General blog|

ARSN calls on Canadian government to publicly condemn current events in Honduras

Sign the letter and send to your MP and the Minister for Foreign Affairs. December 5, 2017 The Atlantic Region Solidarity Network (ARSN) is a group of individuals and organizations based in Atlantic Canada that works to raise awareness about and stand in solidarity with human rights, social and environmental [...]

2021-06-02T11:35:33-04:00December 5th, 2017|General blog, Signed Letters, Urgent Actions|

Press Release by communities in El Estor regarding trial of Mynor Padilla for murder of Adolfo Ich and injury to German Chub

Breaking the Silence has been accompanying both the victims of the attack by Mynor Padilla, including the family of Adolfo Ich Chaman who was murdered in the attack, and German Chub Cub who was injured. For the last year, BTS has also accompanied parts of the trial in Puerto Barrios, [...]

2021-04-14T13:49:54-04:00August 9th, 2016|General blog, Press releases|

Waqib’ Kej: Press Release – Once again, communities violated by the repressive government of Perez Molina

ONCE AGAIN, COMMUNITIES ARE VIOLATED BY THE REPRESSIVE GOVERNMENT OF PEREZ MOLINA To read the original statement in Spanish, click here. On the morning of August 14, the community of Monte Olivo in Cobán Alta Verapaz once more had their rights violated. This time, a large contingent of police forcibly [...]

2021-06-02T13:52:36-04:00August 16th, 2014|General blog, Press releases|

Media Release for SALSA

Law students invite colleagues and community members to reflect, connect, and engage with Aboriginal rights When: January 24th and 25th, 2014 Where: Schulich School of Law – 6061 University Avenue, Halifax, NS Halifax -- On January 24th and 25th, the Social Activist Law Students’ Association of Dalhousie’s Schulich School of [...]

2014-01-20T13:33:13-04:00January 20th, 2014|General blog|
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