March 2022, The Growing Context of Corruption and Impunity

During the first quarter of 2022, several former justice officials have been arrested, including Leyly Santizo, former employee of the International Commission Against Impunity (CICIG), and Siomara Sosa, former prosecutor of the  Special Prosecutor's Office against Impunity (FECI). According to the Attorney General’s Office (MP), this is part of an [...]

2022-03-30T09:35:37-04:00March 30th, 2022|Human security, Truth, justice & impunity|

Activists Call for Protection of Xinka Leaders Participating in Escobal Mine Consultation

Today six U.S. and Canadian human rights and environmental organizations filed a letter with the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) supporting a request to extend precautionary measures for activists opposed to the Escobal mine in Guatemala. The mine has faced strong local opposition from the day it started operations in 2011, opposition that [...]

2021-08-18T16:15:25-04:00August 18th, 2021|Defense of Territory, Signed Letters|

Open Letter to the Guatemalan Public and the International Community: Justice for Genocide in Rabinal

Open Letter to the Guatemalan Public and the International Community The Inter-American Court of Human Rights once again hears of acts of genocide committed against the community of Chichupac by the Guatemalan State during the Internal Armed Conflict in the municipality of Rabinal, department of Baja Verapaz Lawyers and [...]

2021-06-02T14:13:05-04:00April 29th, 2016|General blog, Truth, justice & impunity|

Crisanta Perez at BTS Annual Gathering!

BTS is thrilled to announce that Crisanta Perez will be joining us for the BTS Annual Gathering at Tatamagouche Centre June 12-14. Please join us (register here)! Crisanta will also be speaking throughout the Maritimes. Agenda is below. If you have read or heard about Goldcorp's Marlin Mine, you know [...]

2021-04-12T11:10:26-04:00May 11th, 2015|General blog|
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