Cooperant Update: Women and the agrarian resistance in Guatemala

Women and the agrarian resistance in Guatemala By: Mélisande Séguin, Campesino Committee of the Highlands (CCDA) Cooperant CCDA women activists, planning and organizing. Land dispossession as a historical root of the latest wave of evictions Guatemala has one of the most unequal land distribution and titling systems in [...]

Criminalization Threatens Struggles for Justice in Guatemala

Over the past decade in Guatemala, criminalization has increasingly served as a strategy to stifle public participation in civic life. In most cases, Guatemalan authorities have collaborated with both business and military interests to criminalize those who seek justice and fight against impunity. Unending criminalization of Indigenous land defenders Early [...]

2024-10-31T11:25:14-04:00September 25th, 2023|Current Events in Guate|

Day 6 & 7 of the Rancho Bejuco Trial: Presentation of witnesses for the defence

The day started with Maya Kaqchikel researcher Aura Cumes' presentation of her expert report on Harassment, Persecution and Displacement in Xesiguan, Rabinal. The report examined the Achi people’s experience of Guatemalan military control during the Internal Armed Conflict. Cumes found that the army used the Achi people themselves against their [...]

2024-04-15T09:43:00-04:00June 29th, 2023|Truth, justice & impunity|

Day 5: Rancho Bejuco Trial – Testimonies Speak to Genocidal Violence, Role of Parallel Forces

The court buildings where hearings are taking place. Photo credit: Lenora June 15, 2023 Written by Lenora A Pattern of Genocidal Violence Four witnesses shared recorded testimonies today. While the sound was not very good and it is preferable to have the witness present, it was crucial to [...]

Day 4: Rancho Bejuco Trial – Survivors Continue to Share Painful Testimony

June 14, 2023 Written by Lenora [Content warning: Survivor testimony contains graphic and disturbing descriptions of the aftermath of the massacre.] Three more witnesses from Rabinal gave testimonies today. Three Witnesses Remember the Family Members They Lost, Demand Justice The first witness, Paulina Alvarado Ixpatá, is one of the 36 [...]

2024-04-15T09:43:48-04:00June 16th, 2023|Truth, justice & impunity|

Day 3: Rancho Bejuco Trial – Survivors, Expert Witnesses Speak

June 13, 2023 Written by Lenora [Content warning: Survivor testimony contains graphic descriptions of the aftermath of the massacre.] Today witnesses for the prosecution continued to provide testimony in the Rancho Bejuco case. As a reminder, 11 men stand accused in the Rancho Bejuco massacre. On July 29, 1982, 10 [...]

Cooperant Update: Annual Commemoration to Honour Victims of Rio Negro Massacre

Altar honouring the 177 victims of the March 13th, 1982 massacre at Pak’oxom in Rio Negro (photo credit: ADIVIMA) Sabrina Jeria, a cooperant at the Rabinal Community Legal Clinic, shares her reflections following the March 13th commemoration of the Río Negro massacre. On March 13, I accompanied a [...]

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