2014 Delegation

From March 6-March 16, 11 members of the 2014 BTS Delegation traveled throughout Guatemala to meet with partners and learn about struggles of the past and present. As we began the delegation in Guatemala City, we began by learning about the long struggle for justice, and also the struggle to [...]

2020-03-13T16:44:17-04:00March 18th, 2014|Delegation, General blog, Report Backs|

BTS Delegation Blog- Day 6 (Tessa)

The day started a little later than the last few mornings. We enjoyed a nice breakfast that Jackie and Lisa brought to CSJ. After breakfast we met with Luis Solano, an investigative journalist who was written about mining and oil/gas exploration in Guatemala. I think we could have easily spent [...]

2021-06-02T11:20:40-04:00October 29th, 2013|Delegation, General blog|
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