Cooperant Update: Annual Commemoration to Honour Victims of Rio Negro Massacre

Altar honouring the 177 victims of the March 13th, 1982 massacre at Pak’oxom in Rio Negro (photo credit: ADIVIMA) Sabrina Jeria, a cooperant at the Rabinal Community Legal Clinic, shares her reflections following the March 13th commemoration of the Río Negro massacre. On March 13, I accompanied a [...]

Open Letter to the Guatemalan Public and the International Community: Justice for Genocide in Rabinal

Open Letter to the Guatemalan Public and the International Community The Inter-American Court of Human Rights once again hears of acts of genocide committed against the community of Chichupac by the Guatemalan State during the Internal Armed Conflict in the municipality of Rabinal, department of Baja Verapaz Lawyers and [...]

2021-06-02T14:13:05-04:00April 29th, 2016|General blog, Truth, justice & impunity|

BTS 2016 Delegation

Follow our blog during the 2016 BTS delegation and hear updates from participants during their two weeks in Guatemala. The 2016 BTS delegation members in Guatemala City.   Sunday, May 1 Kaleigh Kingsbury As we arrived to Guatemala I felt a warm embrace. The love and energy that [...]

2021-04-12T14:32:47-04:00April 26th, 2016|Delegation, General blog|


DE RÍO NEGRO A NACAHUIL Por Hugo Gordillo En la década de los 70 del siglo pasado, el faraónico Proyecto Hidroeléctrico de Chixoy se abrió paso en las Verapaces por la vía de la represión y la corrupción descarada. Miles de campesinos fueron desplazados por dos gobiernos militares represivos electos [...]

2021-06-02T11:15:04-04:00September 13th, 2013|Espanol, General blog|
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