Artistic call-and-response, Guatemala-Canada: BTS at Antigonight

Artistic call-and-response, Guatemala-Canada: BTS at Antigonight By: Janette Fecteau, BTS Antigonish Committee member; Romi Fischer-Schmidt, New Hope Foundation Cooperant; and Ally Lord, New Hope Foundation Intern Saturday, September 14: Antigonight Art After Dark Festival in Antigonish/Nalikitquniejk unfolds, starring a spectacular installation exhibiting a months-long call-and-response between local and Maya Achí [...]

2024-09-26T08:00:29-04:00September 26th, 2024|Cooperant Program, General blog, Interns|

Cooperant Update: Annual Commemoration to Honour Victims of Rio Negro Massacre

Altar honouring the 177 victims of the March 13th, 1982 massacre at Pak’oxom in Rio Negro (photo credit: ADIVIMA) Sabrina Jeria, a cooperant at the Rabinal Community Legal Clinic, shares her reflections following the March 13th commemoration of the Río Negro massacre. On March 13, I accompanied a [...]

Updates from BTS Partners

Highlands Committee of Small Farmers (CCDA) Our friends at the CCDA continue their incredible work of community organizing in response to the many challenges faced.  The end of 2020 brought on many difficulties with regards to the continuous violence and criminalization against land defenders.  The CCDA continues to provide support [...]

2021-04-12T08:54:08-04:00January 28th, 2021|General blog|
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