Meeting with IMAP & CCDA, March 2022

Last week we visited Lake Atitlan and two of BTS’s partners, the Mesoamerican Institute for Permaculture (IMAP) and the Highland Small Farmers Committee (CCDA). During the visit, we had the chance to sit, connect over cups of Cafe Justicia, and discuss recent success and challenges with both IMAP and [...]

2022-04-25T13:17:09-04:00April 25th, 2022|Defense of Territory|

BTS Delegation Blog- Day 9 (Marg)

After a peaceful night's sleep at the Pavorotti School, established by Rigoberta Menchu in the late 90's we were served breakfast on the patio, in bright sunshine overlooking beautiful Lake Atitlan. Our morning started with an exercise placing ourselves in a Guatemalan family atmosphere. After dividing into four families, we [...]

2021-06-08T08:55:30-04:00November 2nd, 2013|Delegation, General blog|
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