Conviction: Former military officials convicted of crimes against humanity in sexual slavery trial – ordered to pay damages to victims

Read about the Sepur Zarco trial here. Yes, there was genocide and sexual violence in Guatemala! Si hubo genocidio y violencia sexual en Guatemala! Former military officials convicted of crimes against humanity in sexual slavery trial – ordered to pay damages to victims. March 2, 2016 – Guatemala City By [...]

2021-04-19T12:15:08-04:00March 4th, 2016|Current Events in Guate, General blog, Report Backs|

Sepur Zarco Trial Day 12: “I came here to tell what happened to me so that it wouldn’t be repeated. I don’t want this for the future.”

read about other days at the trial here. Sepur Zarco Trial Day 12: “I came here to tell what happened to me so that it wouldn’t be repeated. I don’t want this for the future.” By Kristine Johnston Guatemala City, Tuesday, February 16, 2016 Today began with an expert witness, [...]

2020-06-15T16:32:33-04:00March 2nd, 2016|Current Events in Guate, General blog, Report Backs|

Sepur Zarco: 3er dia del juicio

Lee sobre otros dias del juicio. Resumen del tercer día del juicio Sepur Zarco Ciudad de Guatemala 4 de febrero, 2016 Por Fabienne Doiron Sabiendo que este tipo de casos pueden tardar mucho en llegar a juicio, las organizaciones querellantes adhesivas en el caso lograron que las mujeres sobrevivientes—muchas de [...]

2021-04-19T12:25:16-04:00February 11th, 2016|Espanol, General blog|

Sepur Zarco: 2do dia del juicio

Lee sobre otros dias del juicio. Cuidad de Guatemala El 2 de febrero de 2016 Por Lisa Rankin y Fabienne Doiron Hoy marcó el segundo día del caso Sepur Zarco, en el cual el teniente coronel Esteelmer Franciso Reyes y el ex comisionado militar Heriberto Valdez Asij están siendo juzgados [...]

2021-04-19T12:24:28-04:00February 11th, 2016|Espanol, General blog|
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