2021 St. FX Service Learning: Natalie’s Reflections

My service-learning experience with Breaking the Silence Network (BTS) began through a university course that I was in called Exploring Global Parallels. We were given a selection of service-learning opportunities and chose to do my placement with Breaking the Silence in the Mapping Resistance in Guatemala and the Maritimes project. [...]

2021-04-13T14:51:57-04:00April 13th, 2021|General blog|

Service Learning 2014

http://www.thecasket.ca/archives/37011 Katrine Chiasson presents StFX service learning program assistant Susan MacKay with a token of appreciation from Guatemala, following a presentation on the trip during Immersion Service Learning presentation night March 12 at the Schwartz School of Business auditorium. Also pictured are Audrey Michaud (left), Kerry Berkvens and Michael [...]

2021-04-12T17:26:25-04:00March 24th, 2014|General blog|
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