Cooperant Update: Women and the agrarian resistance in Guatemala

Women and the agrarian resistance in Guatemala By: Mélisande Séguin, Campesino Committee of the Highlands (CCDA) Cooperant CCDA women activists, planning and organizing. Land dispossession as a historical root of the latest wave of evictions Guatemala has one of the most unequal land distribution and titling systems in [...]

Cooperant Update: Annual Commemoration to Honour Victims of Rio Negro Massacre

Altar honouring the 177 victims of the March 13th, 1982 massacre at Pak’oxom in Rio Negro (photo credit: ADIVIMA) Sabrina Jeria, a cooperant at the Rabinal Community Legal Clinic, shares her reflections following the March 13th commemoration of the Río Negro massacre. On March 13, I accompanied a [...]

Day 13 & 14: Maya Achi Women Seeking Justice: “A strategic design to pulverize the community fabric and destroy its productive capacity.”

Written by Laura Monday, January 24th 2022, and Thursday, January 27th 2022 Pedrina Lopez de Paz in the foreground, Paulina Ixtapá in the background photographed in the foreground of the courtroom on January, 24th, 2022. Photo Credits: Verdad y Justicia. The court reconvened Monday morning to hear [...]

2022-02-03T12:11:09-04:00February 3rd, 2022|Truth, justice & impunity|

Day 8: Maya Achi Women Seeking Justice: There is a high degree of coherence and credibility amongst the womens’ testimonies

Thursday, January 13th, 2022 Written by María and Lisa Vinicio Lopez Galvez while giving testimony before the court on January 13, 2022. (Photo Credit: Verdad y Justicia.) On the 8th day of trial, the first witness was Vinicio Lopez Galvez who worked for the “Temporary High Level Commission”. He [...]

2022-01-18T13:12:23-04:00January 14th, 2022|Truth, justice & impunity|
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