The Impact of Mining Exploitation and the 2021 State of Siege for the Q’eqchi’ communities of El Estor

Para leer en Español haga clic aquí. On October 25, 2021, the Guatemalan Congress ratified a State of Siege in the municipality of Estor, Izabal, Guatemala. States of siege allow the Government to restrict certain articles of the Constitution within a municipality, including the provisions which provide for freedom of [...]

2024-10-31T11:32:25-04:00December 10th, 2021|Defense of Territory, Human security|

El impacto de la explotación minera y el estado de sitio 2021 para las comunidades Q’eqchi’ de El Estor

To read this story in English, click here. El pasado 25 de octubre del 2021, el Congreso de Guatemala ratificó un Estado de Sitio en el municipio del Estor, Izabal, Guatemala. Con el estado de Sitio el Gobierno determinó restringir los artículos de la Constitución en ese municipio que regulan [...]

2024-10-31T11:32:41-04:00December 7th, 2021|Defense of Territory, Espanol|

We denounce violence against Q’eqchi communities in Guatemala

URGENT ACTION : GUATEMALA: State must immediately stop the excessive violence against defenders of the Maya Q'eqchi' people in peaceful resistance against the illegal nickel project in El Estor. After twenty days of peaceful resistance against the illegal mining of their ancestral territories and the Guatemalan State's failure to enforce [...]

2021-10-25T12:40:26-04:00October 25th, 2021|Defense of Territory, Urgent Actions|

National & international organizations call for an end to threats & harassment against journalists and human rights defenders in the Q’eqchi’ territory

The Maritimes-Guatemala Breaking the Silence Network joins other national and international human rights organizations in expressing concern over the threats, intimidation and provocations that human rights defenders, journalists and social communicators are suffering in El Estor, Izabal. Read the full statement and list of signatories below. June 24, 2020 We, [...]

2021-06-09T11:57:28-04:00June 25th, 2020|General blog, Human security, Signed Letters|
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