TAKE ACTION: Call Canadian Government to Act in Support of Indigenous Communities and Guatemalan Democracy

TAKE ACTION: Call Canadian Government to Act in Support of Indigenous Communities and Guatemalan Democracy Last week, the BTS community learned about the devastating murder of Noé Gómez Barrera, Xinka ancestral authority and community leader. We ask you to stand with his loved ones and the Xinka People by writing [...]

2023-11-08T12:24:24-04:00November 8th, 2023|Urgent Actions|

Amidst a spike in violence 3,900+ sign petition demanding Pan American Silver respect the Xinka Peoples’ rights to free and prior consent

Dear Pan American Silver, When you purchased the Escobal mine in 2019, you knew about the broad opposition to the project and that there had been violent repression against those involved in the fight. Now, your refusal to halt local programs in Xinka communities is fomenting tension and division. These [...]

2021-04-15T13:17:58-04:00April 15th, 2021|Defense of Territory, Urgent Actions|

TAKE ACTION: Canada must provide promised powers to Canadian Ombudsperson for Responsible Enterprise

In January 2018, the government announced that it would create an independent office with the power to investigate. Instead, on April 8, 2019, it unveiled a powerless advisory post, little different from what has already existed for years. The Government of Canada failed to appoint an independent Ombudsperson for Responsible [...]

2021-04-12T14:47:19-04:00January 18th, 2021|General blog, Urgent Actions|

Hundreds of Maritimers express solidarity with the Highlands Committee of Small Farmers in Guatemala

From November 4th – 11th, Marcelo Sabuc of the Highlands Committee of Small Farmers (CCDA) spoke throughout the Maritimes regarding threats against human rights defenders in Guatemala and the deteriorating political situation in the country. During the speaking tour, Marcelo visited 7 communities: Antigonish, Halifax, Wolfville, Sackville, Fredericton, Charlottetown and [...]

2021-04-14T09:43:35-04:00November 16th, 2018|General blog, Speaking Tour|

Smear campaign launched against opponents to Tahoe Resources’ Escobal project, after mine licenses suspended

The following article was co-written by MiningWatch Canada and the Network in Solidarity with the People of Guatemala (NISGUA). See the original article here: http://nisgua.org/smear-campaign-launched-against-opponents-to-tahoe-resources-escobal-project-after-mine-licenses-suspended/ Take action here! [fbshare url="http://www.breakingthesilenceblog.com/general/smear-campaign-launched-against-opponents-to-tahoe-resources-escobal-project-after-mine-licenses-suspended/" type="button" float="left"] Nueva Santa Rosa stands behind its community consultation against large scale mining and Tahoe Resources Following [...]

2017-07-20T14:28:37-04:00July 20th, 2017|Current Events in Guate, General blog|
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