Speaking Tour: Grounds for Resistance – Xinka Voices Against Canadian Mining

Xinka Parliament representative, Amilvar Urías Sanchez will be joining the Maritimes-Guatemala Breaking the Silence Network for a tour of the Maritimes taking place October 18-23, 2024. He will discuss the Xinka Parliament's ongoing resistance to the Escobal mine in Guatemala, owned by Canadian mining company, Pan American Silver.  [...]

2024-10-21T11:54:38-04:00September 28th, 2024|Speaking Tour|

With Less than a Month to Inauguration, Indigenous Authorities Continue to Push Back Against Coup Attempts

Ancestral Authorities stand alongside the President and Vice President elect. Photo: Festivales Solidarios Inauguration is around the corner: on January 14, Berardo Arévalo should assume the presidency, following his landslide win in August. But Guatemala's "Pact of the Corrupt" is pulling out all the stops to try to [...]

2024-10-31T11:42:55-04:00December 18th, 2023|Current Events in Guate|

100+ Organizations Demand Justice for Assassination of Xinka Leader Noé Gómez Barrera

More than a Hundred Organizations Demand Justice for Assassination of Xinka Leader Noé Gómez Barrera A sign commemorating Noé Gómez Barrera's life says, "Martyr of the social struggle: Human Rights Defender Noé Gómez Barrera. We will follow the example of his struggle." Following the murder of Xinka human [...]

2023-11-17T12:57:27-04:00November 6th, 2023|Current Events in Guate|

Xinka Parliament Recognized with Prestigious Human Rights Award

The Xinka Parliament accepts the Robert F. Kennedy Foundation's Human Rights Award, photo credit: Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights Foundation On June 6, the Xinka Parliament was awarded the Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights Foundation's annual Human Rights Award. The award honors human rights defenders who face oppression [...]

2023-06-28T17:19:23-04:00June 28th, 2023|Defense of Territory, General blog|

Se Otorga el 7to Premio Topacio Reynoso Pacheco A…

  Estamos muy emocionadxs de anunciar a quienes se les otorga el 7to Premio Topacio Reynoso Pacheco! Desde 2016, este premio ha reconocido y apoyado los esfuerzos de grupos juveniles en Guatemala utilizando el arte para defender su territorio y protejer el ambiente. Este premio fue creado en memoria [...]

2022-06-13T14:54:06-04:00June 13th, 2022|Espanol|

Activists Call for Protection of Xinka Leaders Participating in Escobal Mine Consultation

Today six U.S. and Canadian human rights and environmental organizations filed a letter with the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) supporting a request to extend precautionary measures for activists opposed to the Escobal mine in Guatemala. The mine has faced strong local opposition from the day it started operations in 2011, opposition that [...]

2021-08-18T16:15:25-04:00August 18th, 2021|Defense of Territory, Signed Letters|

COVID-19 and Consultation

Photos taken during the pre-consultation phase meetings for the Escobal Mine (Photo credit: Xinka Parliament) In Guatemala, the unfortunate social and economic effects of the spread of COVID-19 can be observed. Guatemala is currently situated 2nd amongst Central American countries based on biweekly confirmed COVID cases per million. [...]

2021-08-25T09:16:27-04:00August 17th, 2021|Defense of Territory|

APG – GOPA Guatemala Briefing Note: May 2021

APG Mesoamerica voices concerns over increased violence and repression in Guatemala, as Canada benefits from the country’s rapidly deteriorating rule of law and democracy In late May, BTS and other members of the Americas Policy Group (APG) drafted a briefing note voicing concern over escalating violence and repression in Guatemala [...]

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