Why Donate to BTS?
The last year has been challenging in many ways. Some things in life can be changed and made better, while others remain out of our control. We can however have an impact on the human right struggles in Guatemala and Canada through the solidarity work that the BTS network has been engaged with for the past 3 decades.
We say this often, but it’s still true: Your help is more needed than ever!
BTS staff have made it possible for us to continue our long-term relationships of solidarity with our Guatemala partners throughout the pandemic. Our partners face tremendous odds, with little access to COVID-19 vaccinations or health care; the greatest human rights repression of the past two decades, especially towards human rights and mining justice organizations, as well as towards journalists and women environmental defenders, and; ongoing government corruption. Yet they carry on with extraordinary resilience and commitment to the well-being of their members and communities and are an inspiration to us all.
Our partners have let BTS know how much it means to them to have our continued solidarity, including regular Zoom calls, Urgent Actions, advocacy with MPs and Global Affairs Canada, and ongoing public education here in the Maritimes. Needless to say, we want that to continue!
With your generous donation, our Maritime-Guatemalan network can continue to support the efforts of Guatemalans who struggle for political, social, and economic justice. Your donation will help us undertake essential activities related to advocacy, lobbying, as well organize delegations, send interns, volunteers, and human rights accompaniers.
We cannot do all of this without the generous support of our donors
There are many possible ways to donate to BTS, to learn more, please click HERE.